So, I am in the middle of some much anticipated Saint Nicholas Day present wrapping, when I got an email from Der Tagesspiegel saying that my Good Morning Berlin photo had been published in today’s edition as a part of the Berlin Stadt Leben (Berlin City Life) section (06/12, page 11).
Good Morning Berlin is a photo opportunity contest, that Der Tagesspiegel and its Berlin Stadt Leben section run every week, showcasing early morning and sunrise photos of Berlin in their print and online edition. For me it was a matter of chance, as I only had to tag the photo on twitter with the #Berlin and #morning tags for the guys over at the Der Tagesspiegel to pick it up.
What I took from this is that you must tag all your content, because there is always someone listening to what is happening, and what you produce might be found interesting enough to be published!
Here is how it all happened:
I had tweeted the my Good Morning Berlin photo a few days earlier .
Good Morning from #Berlin with a view to the St. Nicolai Kirche! #sunrise #germany #winter #church
— Nelson Carvalheiro (@NCarvalheiro) December 2, 2013
Which got retweet almost instantly
Guten Morgen, Berlin von @NCarvalheiro: Good Morning from #Berlin with a view to the St. Nicolai Kirche!” #gmberlin
— Stadtleben (@stadtleben) December 2, 2013
Followed by a request for publication!
@NCarvalheiro thank you for the great picture. is it okay if we print it? please respond to
— Stadtleben (@stadtleben) December 2, 2013
I wrote a small text about the Good Morning Berlin photo and how I felt when I took it.
“On that particularly Autumn morning, a very cold one even for Berlin standards, the sunrise casted a pink hue over the two towers of the St. Nicolai Kirche portraying a unique silhouette of the city’s slightly cloudy skyline. Like this photo, Berlin is city of may contrasts, where one feels the creativity of the modern days, mingling with the representations of establish German culture. I imagined that the two sky impaling towers of the St. Nicolai Kirche, are a sign that there is much more to Berlin roof tops than the shadow of the Fernsehturm.”
And voilá! I am published in the German Media… Thank you Anke Myrrhe !
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[…] have taken affection to my persona, especially to my photos, after the December publication of my Good Morning Berlin Photo by Der Tagesspiegel on their Stadtleben print […]