One of my Berlin Fall edition photos was featured in the January 2014 Edition of the Tip Berlin Magazine, along with a very kind written text about my views of the German Capital. I guess that you could say that the German media have taken affection to my persona, especially to my photos, after the December publication of my Good Morning Berlin Photo by Der Tagesspiegel on their Stadtleben print edition.

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It is even a greater honour for me to be published by the Tip Berlin Magazine, as the my photo appears on page 6, being the first article of this month edition! UAU! I could have never imagined that this would have been possible, but there you have it!

Here is the original photo that was featured on the Tip Berlin Magazine:





Here is the translation of the article from Tip Berlin Magazine:

Australian’s shouldn’t set up any more snow cannons. Instead of having a 40 degrees in the shade Winter mood, they should rather go to Berlin and do the same as the Berliners do – Go to Christmas Markets! These are the advises of the Portuguese Travel Blogger Nelson Carvalheiro, who has just been chosen by the travel trade fair FITUR in Madrid as the best Travel Blogger in Europe – with the flying change of perspective being dominated effortlessly . Long ago tour operators know that the lust of the unfit people incite the very subject, authentic travel blogs on the internet about places Afar.

Currently, Nelson Carvalheiro lives in Berlin and is blogging his new impressions about the capital – including bright Instagram photos from clever angles. In addition Carvalheiro provides its readers but also with all kinds of travel tricks and tips, like how to surreptitiously persuade the hotel manager  to give you the best room of the house.

Many of his advices offer a Berlin residents a smile over the strange  and sometimes well clichéd view of the city . So be it – the pictures are the bomb!

A big thank you to Victoria Louise-Seifried and to Susan Schiedlofsky

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Here is the original article in German from Tip Berlin Magazine:

Australier sollten keine Schneekanonen mehr aufstellen. Statt bei 40 Grad im Strand schatten verzweifelt Winterstimmung aufkommen zu lassen, sollen sie lieber gleich nach Berlin zu traditionellen deutschen Weihnachtsmarken begeben. Das fordert der portugiesische Blogger Nelson Carvalheiro, der gerade von der Reise-messe FITUR in Madrid zum besten Reiseblogger Europas gekürt wurde – und der fliegenden Perspektiv wechsel mühelos beherrscht.

Längst wissen Reiseveranstalter, das gerade die subjektiven, authentischen Reise-Blogs im Internet die Lust der Menschen auf die Ferne schüren.

Zurzeit lebt Nelson Carvalheiro in Berlin und bloggt seine Eindrucke über die Hauptstadt – samt leuchtenden Instagram-Fotos aus findigen Blickwinkeln. Darüber hinaus versorgt Carvalheiro seine Leser aber auch mit allerhand Reise tricks und Tipps. Etwa, wie man sich beim Hotelmanager das best zimmer des Hauses erschleicht.

Zwar lassen viele seiner Ratschlage Berlins Einwohner eher schmunzeln über die fremde, manchmal auch gut klischeebehaftete Sicht auf die Stadt. Sei’s drum – die Bilder sind der Knaller!





Nelson Carvalheiro

I am just a guy with a camera, trying to make sense of it all...

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I am an award-winning filmmaker and content creator that loves to create meaningful and inspiring films uniquely tailored for each client and their story. I am based in Lisbon and travel to destinations worldwide.
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