I have teamed up with absolute favorite hotel in the Algarve, the Quinta dos Perfumes in Tavira, and am giving away a fabulous prize, worth over 750 Euros.
My dear friend Pedro Estrela, natural born Surfer and lover of all things connected with Mother Earth is the soul behind Quinta dos Perfumes, a Farm Hotel located in the middle of 40 Hectares of Orange Grove. I had the opportunity to help Pedro make his dream of a place where his friends (he refuses to call you guests) can feel a rooted connection to the life of an Orange Farm in the ever sunny side of the Algarve come true. Ever since, I have become a diehard fan of Tavira!
Tavira has empty beaches, is ever quiet, cosy, full of locals, lots of street grilled fish and seafood and most of all that authentic Portuguese holiday feeling. This is why I love Tavira for my summer holidays and why I keep coming back every year!
I had the opportunity to speak about Quinta dos Perfumes, when Pedro was still finishing this amazing Farm Hotel, when I wrote one of my very first blog posts : My Friend’s Pedro Farm Hotel. Well now it is open, and I had already spent my summer holidays there last year. You can see just how much I enjoyed my time in Tavira in my most recent article: 10 reasons why Tavira is perfect for summer holidays.
The giveaway prize has included:
- 2 night stay for 2 persons at Quinta dos Perfumes in a Studio Apartment ( Valid until the 31/12/2014)
- Complimentary Breakfast for 2 served on the terrace
- 1h boat ride with Pedro on the Ria Formosa Backwaters (upon availability)
- Personal tour around the Orange Groves Estate and Biological Potager
- Make your own Orange Compote workshop
- Complimentary rental of bicycles
Entering the competition is very simple and All you have to do is :
- Like NelsonCarvalheiro Travel and Food Facebook Page
- Like Quinta dos Perfumes Facebook Page
- Make a comment on this post about why you would love to spend your Summer Holidays in Portugal
Winners will be announced on the 11th of May 2014 by Facebook and Twitter.
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These pictures and your description is so inviting that one can not resist praying to wish for being there… and send a post card back to all my friends ” Wish You Were Here” I mean what else can one ask for beautiful orchards, perfect weather, designer rooms and… a friend to chat with ….
Hey Prasad! That is an amazing description and I can imagine just how much you would enjoy the nature and quietness of the farm life, not to mention the yummy food!
Olá de novo Nelson. Boa iniciativa esta de promover a Quinta dos Perfumes do Pedro Estrela que não me é de todo estranho… Mas não vou a Tavira há anos por isso posso estar equivocada. Bom, porquê uma estadia em Portugal na Quinta dos Perfumes? Os portugueses devem retomar a sua génese de “descobridores”, o povo que “deu novos mundos a conhecer ao mundo” tem agora o dever de revitalizar o seu próprio País. Vamos mostrar o que é orgulhosamente nosso!
Olá Carla
Que bom ouvir de si novamente e que belas palavras de orgulho nacional! Gosto desse espírito e motivação para ajudar a conhecer propriedades como a quinta dos perfumes ao Turismo nacional!
Travelling in my home country, from South to North, from islands to countryside, it’s like find a different country and reality in every small village or big cosmo city, snow mountain or hot valley, beach or waterfall, white houses or rock houses, fresh fish to goat cheese, the words of a poet to the songs that comes from the soul, the cork’s tech industrie to the artisans shoes, from the religiousness to the vernacular bad words, the saudades of the varinas to the drama queen of transvestites.
What Tavira brings me new?
Let’s discover!
Nuno Couto
Hi Nuno
That is some poetic justice you are making to our beloved Portugal! Good to read what inspires you travel! keep it up!
“It’s tempting and seducing…the same as you start to feel butterflies in your stomach…and you fall in love with this simplicity of beauty, honesty of feelings you have…you start to feel sweet bitterness and urge to give all your love and so afraid waiting to be loved back…and realize that one day you will be overwhelmed with saudades…that nothing compares to it…..”
Oh my Dear Olga! Those are some very powerful words! So Gripping! If you haven’t thought about a career in drama or theater, I suggest you start now!
Nelson, it looks like paradise! Portugal is amazing but we’ve never been to Algarve… This could be our chance 🙂 BTW love your commitment for the promotion of your country!
Hey Laura! So good to hear from you! How is Milan doing? Yes, it would certainly a good opportunity for you to see the Algarve and Tavira! Fingers crossed and thanks for the Kudos!
Olá, moro no Algarve á alguns anos e é muito interessante descobrir recantos até aqui completamente desconhecidos. Gostei muito das imagens e promete ser um lugar acolhedor e calmo. Obrigada por ajudar na divulgação do que de melhor temos, a hospitalidade, o clima e sem dúvida a gastronomia.
Olá Ana Antunes! Obrigado por gostar das imagens e de certeza que terá muita photo op na quinta dos Perfumes!
Adoro Portugal e adoro viajar por Portugal (que me orgulho de conhecer muito bem), mas desde sempre nutri uma antipatia pelo Algarve… talvez mais pelas multidões e pelo pacote “Ibiza wannabe”… Recentemente recebi feedback muito positivo sobre Tavira, de um amigo que passa lá férias com frequência. Estou certa que Tavira vai ser A experiência que fará desaparecer esta minha resistência!
Anseio por tardes lânguidas de amarelo torrado, pelo murmurar das gentes, pela gastronomia colorida e pelo perfume das laranjas algarvias!
Olá Luisa! Muitos parabéns pelo seu comentario, que descreve muito bem o que é o Algarve e Tavira!
eu vou estar em Portugal no verao, qual lugar melhor do que a quinta dos perfumes para passar umas ferias de sol, mar, e descanso? 😀
Hey Emanuele, de certeza que as tuas fotos iriam fazer a Quinta dos Perfumes e todos nós muito orgulhosos!
Olá! 🙂 Sou polaca e adoro Portugal, principalmente a língua portuguesa e a cozinha portuguesa que é absolutamente única, pois é uma mixtura de simplicidade e excelente qualidade o que resulta em sabores inesquecíveis (nunca vou me esquecer do sabor de bacalhauzinho com um toque de azeite português… Simples mas maravilhoso!). Há 4 anos o meu namorado, que é português, deixou o seu emprego em Lisboa e veio viver para a Polónia comigo. Estámos a viver muito felizes e bem aqui, mas por causa da distância e outros fatores não podemos visitar o país dele tão frequentemente. Ele já passou 2 anos sem ir a Portugal e isso era uma altura difícil para ele. Felizmente conseguimos viajar para lá em Setembro no ano passado, visitamos um pouco de Alentejo (a foto foi tirada no Alentejo), comemos em tascas tradicionais e vimos as praias mais bonitas no mundo… Mas nem ele, nem eu nunca estivemos em Tavira. Seria uma oportunidade fantástica para poder ir novamente a Portugal e para descobrir essa parte desse lindo país, ainda por cima num ambiente tão “português” como Quinta dos Perfumes. De certeza iamos adorar comer um pastel de nata e beber um cafezinho de manhã naquele terraço… :)))
Olá Ana! Que história interesante! De facto seria muito bom ver a vossa reunião com Portugal acontecer na Quinta dos Perfumes! Boa Sorte!
Obrigada! 🙂
Porque a nossa costa tem das mais belas praias que existem 😀
Oi BáBá! Não poderia concordar mais! Qual é a tua praia favorita?
Well, isn’t it obvious? We just adore Portugal. Our Summer destination for ages (living in Galicia is so tempting to cross the border and enjoy all the benefits a warmer weather and incredible land has to offer), we’ve been always doing Portugal “on a budget” so, why not taking advantage of this opportunity and living it up a bit? Never made it to Tavira or the Algarve is also something to bear in mind. We are dying to visit them!
Plus.. of course, we’d be covering it on our travel blog 🙂
Take us there Nelson!!!
Hey Inma! So very happy to receive your comment and to know that you want to share the values of Portugal, of Tavira and of Quinta dos Perfumes with your readers. Keep your fingers crossed!
Why? Because I like to spread sunshine wherever I go… e tenho saudades de Portugal. 😉
Certainly the best reason of all to travel KV! Good to have such good spirits in this competition!
ast september we spent 10 days in Portugal with my boyfriend , and it was our very first ( but not last) holiday in there. First stop was Porto and the second was Lisboa… people, food, weather, was incredible. we left our one piece in Portugal. we met 2 super gorgeous men at Lisboa ( they were our home owner) and this year they will be best men of my future husband at our wedding in September! Portugal means love for us, so we want to spend our honeymoon in portugal too. 🙂 <3
ast september we spent 10 days in Portugal with my boyfriend , and it was our very first ( but not last) holiday in there. First stop was Porto and the second was Lisboa… people, food, weather, was incredible. we left our one piece in Portugal. we met 2 super gorgeous men at Lisboa ( they were our home owner) and this year they will be best men of my future husband at our wedding in September! Portugal means love for us, so we want to spend our honeymoon in portugal too. 🙂 <3
Nelson – the way you describe Portugal and especially Quinta Dos Perfumes – with your vivid images and words makes me want to catch a flight and land there
today! Empty beaches, street grilled fish and seafood and that authentic Porteguese holiday feeling, did you say? How can I resist it? So as I plot and plan for a summer getaway in Europe, you’ve given me one more reason to visit Portugal and Tavira. One of my favourite places in India is Goa – which is largely influenced by Portugese culture, architecture and food and I’ve always harbored a desire to visit the place where it all came from! It will be a pleasure and an absolutely great opportunity for me to visit this summer and experience some of these delights you describe at Quinta Dos Perfumes first hand and of course, share it with all my friends back home!
Hi Anita! How can I not be impressed by your comment! You are a fantastic person and brilliant writer and I am sure you’ll truly enjoy the Portuguese down to earth approach to food !
Sou portuguesa e vivo em Lisboa, vou todos os anos ao Algarve mas porque os meus familiares têm lá casa acabo por não descobrir todos os seus encantos. Tavira é um local que para mim é desconhecido mas do qual já ouvi falar muito e só coisas boas. Adorava passar lá uns dias e descobrir outro recanto do nosso país!
Olá Ana. Que sorte ter a oportunidade de visitar o Algarve todos os anos! Boa sorte para descobrir Tavira também atraves da quinta dos Perfumes.
Have been to Portugal three times over the years, always in the Algarve. I really love the Portuguese people, very welcoming and gentle. Would love to try a different aspect of Portugal, in a quieter area than I have been to previously.
I have been to Portugal twice now, once to the north and once to Lisboa. Loved it. Visiting Tavira would make the perfect opportunity for me to write about the place (in Dutch).
Perfect place for a break to relax and recharge batteries with lots of sunshine, good food… It’s always good to go back home!
Hey!! Really? Do you need any more reasons that my love to Portugal? I’ve never been to Tavira. Actually Algarve is the only area I haven’t been to in Portugal. And Quinta dos Perfumes looks like a great place to enjoy time in Algarve in a different way:) Every now and then, at least 3- 4 times per year, I need to go to Portugal. It has been already 2 times in 2014 and can’t wait for the next to enjoy that beautiful land! We love ecofriendly places and quintas are so wonderful in this sense… 🙂
Big hug and see you soon 🙂
Hi Nelson, I can almost smell the oranges all the way from Switzerland!!! What a lush looking place your friend has. Funnily enough I’ve just started researching our 2014 summer holidays this week. I turn 40 in August and am looking for somewhere memorable to celebrate. I’d also love to see my 1 year-old son getting covered in sand on one of those glorious beaches. I was already seriously tempted by Portugal, but your post has clinched it. Portugal here we come!
Não há melhor do que “férias cá dentro” por isso, a ida até Tavira para essa quinta fantástica é um óptimo plano.
Além de que ando curioso com as ondas secretas que sei que alguns surfistas algarvios aproveitam 🙂
Para quando os resultados? 🙂
wow! my husband and i will be visiting Portugal for the first time this July and what perfect way to spend it than in Quinta dos Perfumes (hopefully)! after i’ve read your entry, i can’t seem to shake the beautiful images and the mouth-watering food! not to mention the intoxicating smell of oranges! now, will you excuse me while i buy myself some oranges to set the mood 😉
Hi Beverly. Loved your comment so much that I can’t stop smiling. Unfortunately the offer was over on the 11th of May. But feel free to contact Pedro and let him know that you are coming from me and he’ll make you a good price. cheers Nelson