“What do I love about Portugal?” is a question that I get asked over and over again, and to which I give a different answer over and over again. As a Travel and Food Blogger, who spends his time visiting foreign countries, tasting all kinds of different cuisine and listening to people saying what makes their own country the greatest, I need to be very creative when it is my turn to say what I love about Portugal. What I have written bellow is the answer I gave, when asked this very question at a recent Travel conference
So, I was asked to speak about “What do I love about Portugal ?” …Well…This is what I could come up with…
I love to dream that I was once a great Portuguese Discover and that the whole world was under my command, to think that my sail ship is still outside waiting for me, to know that Portugal is not Spain neither a province of Spain, to wake up to 300 days of bright sunlight and think that I will have an espresso and a Nata for breakfast, to come out of bed and put my comfy slippers on (the ones that my grandmother handmade for me), to come to the window and say hello to the baker who has just delivered a bag fresh bread to the neighbour, to play some Amália on the radio and sing out loud “É uma casa Portuguesa com certeza”, to look at an Azulejo panel and think that Fernão Mendes Pinto was the first European to make contact with the Japan, to read a poem of Pessoa and think that “normal” is such an overrated word, to walk down the wooden stairs of a XVIII century building in Lisbon knowing that once upon a time Marquis and Dukes made the same journey every morning, to admire the unique patterns of the Portuguese Calçada boardwalks, to meet the old-timers for a quick Ginginha, to read the football newspaper and argue with the old-timers over a couple more Ginginhas, to think which fish am I going to eat for lunch, to discard that thought and recon that I will have Bacalhau instead, to walk the streets of Alfama and realizing that this is where real Lisboners live, to think that it was the Portuguese who introduced chillies to India, thus enabling the Indians to invent curry, to look at the red corrugated roof tops of the inland Portuguese villages and think that they resemble the waves the Atlantic Ocean, to know that half of the Europeans wears shoes made in Portugal, to say hello to the Mayor and tell him that the needs to fix the leaking fire hydrant in my street, to know that the Portuguese are known for being able to resolve any complicated situation using the simplest and cheapest of methods possible, to hear the sounds of the bell tools and the screeching yellow trams, to kiss the sunshine of the southern planes every time I drink red wine of the Alentejo, to know that we are the only country in the world that catches bulls by their face and by their horns, to remind myself how cheap and cheerful Green Wine (Vinho Verde) really is, to explain to a Englishman that it was a Portuguese Queen by the name of Catherine of Braganza that introduced the noble art of tea drinking to the British, to know that Portugal has more seashore then inland borders with Spain, to go for dinner at a Tasca and have a seafood dinner with wine for under 10 Euros, to speak Insha’Allah as did the Moorish or to use Latin just to make my case stronger, that onion, garlic and olive oil are present in almost every Portuguese dish, to cry when I hear the melancholic tunes of late night Fado and think that there is no translation for the word “Saudade”, to open a bottle of the finest Irish or Scottish whiskeys and knowing that the cork on the cap is Portuguese, to know that in the summer I can eat street in charcoal every day, to go to bed knowing that I can do all this tomorrow again…And again…
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Well put Nelson, lovely story, best,
Hi Milu! Thank you so much for the commnet! I am glad that you enjoyed it!
Beautifully said, Nelson.! Your words and photos are great inspiration for our exploration of Portugal over the coming weeks!
Hi Anita! Good to hear from you and thanks for the lovely comment! Looking forward to read all about your upcoming adventures in Portugal!
Nicely put Nelson!
It’s understandable that you and other native Portuguese would think
this is the best country on earth – you were born here! I still believe the
best complement you can pay a country is by choosing to live there. I am not
Portuguese but I made this my home years ago, and despite my wide
travelling I am always convinced that I am returning to the best place.
Hi Simon.
Yes I have to agree with you on this one. It is much more of a love affair when you can speak about your most loved country when it is your choice and not birthplace. An by the way I love that last sentence, I may quote you on that sometime…
Six years ago I decided to travel to Europe every 2 years. I decided to visit Portugal for my first trip and then my later trips would be Spain or Italy or France. For my second and my third trips I had to return to Portugal.
What do I love about Portugal? The answer is very simple for me. I feel like I belong there. I return to America and feel homesick for Portugal, I feel something is missing. I think I know what saudade is.
Love your words Keith.I wish I could understand what it was to discover portugal as a whole new country once again!
Lisbon is definitely a place I could live and love to live. But at the moment still very happy in Malaga. Maybe one day,.
Hey Stefania. Yes, I understand your struggle! I would love to live in Malaga too!
[…] still raw, still true to its origins…Still proud of it heritage and its identity. This is the Portugal that I love and whose stories I am going to portray in the […]
Love this– it reads like a poem. Singing out loud because the language is such a joy to hear!
Amazing commnet. Thank you so much Meredith.
Portuguese people know how to welcome people. They are humble and proud of their history, their food and it’s in their DNA to give a warm welcome and feed you until your stuffed. Another thing I love about Portugal, is the diversity. For such a small country, each region is so unique. It’s like micro countries with different landscape, food, wine, climate, architecture and different people.
Thank you!